Christine as bridesmaid
Created by Diana 7 years ago
22nd August 1981 - It was a lovely day, but windy.
Christine with her recently acquired 'Italian' tan and gift Maltese Cross pendant, looked stunning,
The ceremony went well except she had 2 bouquets of flowers as I forgot to take mine from her to walk back down the aisle at the end of the Wedding Service.
At one point, during the photos,Christine had to rescue my veil which had blown upwards and caught on the Church door's newly painted black ironwrk (Churchwarden Ossie did them at 6am that day because "they looked shabby"!).
We were both feeling pleased with ourselves getting into size 12 dresses until we had eaten our cooked lunch at the reception. Christine lent over and said "I can't breathe", to which I replied, me neither!
Christine didn't have a hand in the quick car decorating (as it had been well hidden overnight) with boxes, crepe paper and string of tin cans! But she waved us off with her lovely smile as she stood between her proud parents and mine.